In 6-7 days depending on your location and time zone, Halloween will be upon us. In honor of this and its Equestrian equivalent, there will be a Nightmare Night event hosted on the forum. In the interest of keeping it as much an October happening as possible, the main threads will be posted within the next 26 hours, hopefully within the next few hours. This event will be forum canon.
There will be two main threads, one in Canterlot and one in Ponyville for the main events in each area. Feel free to have your characters mingle and socialize, even if they're currently in other threads.
In addition to the threads housing the main festivities, feel free to start your own side threads for a more personalized experience. Be sure to preface the titles of the threads with the "NN:" tag or something similar to mark it as a Nightmare Night thread.
If you're an artist, we encourage you to submit themed artwork for this event if you feel inclined.