Author Topic: Dawn of a new Era  (Read 5867 times)

Offline Dream Warden

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Dawn of a new Era
« on: May 18, 2015, 02:55:10 pm »
Dream walked down a cobblestone road. An empty road, that floated in the wast emptiness of an awake world. There wasn't many dreamers there, as most ponies were up for the day. Dream had a destination though, as she moved towards a crimson door, opened it, and walked in. The hooded pony closed the door behind her, momentarily shutting of the only source of light to the room. Dream materialized her codex next to her, as she walked towards a lonely, crimson stallion sitting in the middle of an empty room, under a lonely lamp.

"Crimson Tide... You have arrived... I welcome you to The Dream, my servant. Now come, we have some important matters to discuss" Dream materialized a table to the room, the lonely lamp moving above it. She set down her book, and waited for Crimson.

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Offline Nightmare Court

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Re: Dawn of a new Era
« Reply #1 on: May 18, 2015, 03:25:09 pm »
A red stallion was casting illusion spells on a mouth leading to a cave. He wanted to be extra sure, it would not be found, while he's vulnerable. The cave system was rather big, it's many tunnels leading to different small chambers, each filled with various objects, from dishes and random furniture, to books, tomes and runes. It was clear that somepony had lived there for a good while.

The mouth of the cave was always disguised by a powerful illusion, strong enough to actually cause a collision to a pony if they would try to pass it. The red stallion panted, as he pushed himself to the limit to hide his hiding place as well as he could. He was sweatting, but not from the labour brought upon his mind, but from what was gonna follow. He was gonna send his mind to an adventure. He walked deeper into the cave, until he came to a room with a singular bed in the middle. He downed a potion, laid down on the bed, and closed his eyes. Soon, he was fast asleep, his mind leaving his body, to visit his master.

At first, it was dark. Very dark. Crimson kept his eyes closed, as he was instructed to do. His form jumped a little, when a door opened somewhere behind him, and was closed moments later. A burst of magic could be heard, as the mare he came to see brought out her book, and greeted him. "My queen..." Crimson nodded his head a little "Thank you, your highness... It's my pleasure to be here..." Crimson slowly opened his eyes, and squinted them, as they were greeted by a bright light from the lamp. After his senses got used to his surroundings, despite being a dream, they felt very real. The alien smell of the room, the light hurting his eyes, even them empty void they walked on, Crimson got up from the ground, and trotted after Dream, sitting across from the mare on the table. "Everything is ready, my queen."

Offline Dream Warden

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Re: Dawn of a new Era
« Reply #2 on: May 18, 2015, 04:49:42 pm »
"Excellent... The ponies are ready, as well... Have you split the pendant?" Dream spoke in a calm, controlled manner, her tone carrying a kind, and gentle tone. "Do it, and give them all a piece. Keep one yourself, and leave the rest near the pedestal."

Dream flipped open the red codex, flipping through it's pages, before stopping on one specific page. "Wake the Knight, and the Doctor. I have a task for them... We are going to need a smith, if we want to succeed. I have found a fitting candidate from the city of "Manehattan". Order them to go, and get her here." Dream flipped through more pages. The text written on the book was alien, only Dream is able to read it normally "You, Crimson. You need to go to the old castle of the sisters. You need to acquire the mirror, that i gazed on all those years ago. But, don't walk those grounds yet. There has recently been more activity there. We don't need ponies to know anything about us yet."

"You are dismissed. You know your orders. I will summon you here again." Dream got up, the codex and the table vanishing in thin air, as the mare left the stallion's dream through the same door she first came in from.

Offline Nightmare Court

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Re: Dawn of a new Era
« Reply #3 on: May 18, 2015, 05:10:42 pm »
"The pendant will be taken care off, my Queen." Crimson waited, not wating to watch into the alien book, as it's pages were flipped. The stallion leaned over, when the codexx was turned to the right page, showing a faint, moving picture of the mare they were supposed to go and get. Crimson nodded "It will be done, my Queen. I will arrange a holding quarters for the smith."

Crimson took the orders meant for him, and bowed his head. "I will retrieve the mirror, once it's safe, with the help of the court, if it's necessary."

Crimson stood up, once he was dismissed, but he waited for Dream to walk out, before closing his eyes, and starting to chant a hymn with a low, slow and quiet tone.


Crimson woke up. He lifted himself up from the bed, and remained seated on the side of the bed for a while. He repeated Dream's orders few times to himself, before jumping down, and leaving the room. Crimson walked through the mazy cave, and arrived to a room with four, bed like structures, almost like pipes. Each pipe held a comatosed pony inside them. With his magic, Crimson forced two of the pipes open, revealing two of the ponies, who once the pipe was opened, began to wake up. The other pony's eyes were covered by a helmet, but the other one's eyes were well visible, and they suddenly opened. The ponies rose up from the tubes, almost in unison, before stepping out. They flexed their bodies, the long rest having numbed them. They walked towards, and stopped in front of Crimson. The red stallion didn't hesitate. He gave the ponies a fragment of an pendant, both ponies storing them somewhere on their clothes and armor. Crimson flared up his horn, giving the ponies their orders through an illusion. "Your Queen has spoken. Retrieve this smith, and bring her here awake. Do your best to stay out of sight, but use of force is authorized, come a situation you need it. Now go!"

The two ponies give Crimson a nod, before they pick up their weapons from the table and a weapon rack. Their movement and motions were uncanny for a pony who just woke up from a long, long sleep. Once equipped, without saying a word, the ponies leave the room, the cave, and head towards their first target. Crimson watched the two depart, their silence making him feel a little uneasy. He had no time to delve on that, however. Crimson left the cave himself, and headed towards Canterlot.
« Last Edit: May 19, 2015, 03:44:05 am by Nightmare Court »


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