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Messages - Clair

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Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: May 03, 2015, 07:51:44 pm »
Clair listens to Chord's hasty retreat.  Why do ponies hurry?  Well, maybe she had things that wouldn't stay put for a few minutes, unlike him.  Slow pace is his homeground, and one he hasn't left for years.  And why should he?  Oh well.  It was nice meeting her again.

With her gone, though, and him out of the center of attention, he could get back to his book.  And that interesting-sounding spell.  He flips a couple of pages back, running his hoof over the textured paper until he reaches the formula again.  The points of origin were first his horn, and then...his hooves?  And...not all of them were needed.  How could he echolocate, even in objects, without listening for the answer?  Well...he'd try it out.  A few sentences further in, it recommends starting with something firm and solid.  Like...he slides his hooves off the book.  The thunks on the table give him a good thing to start out with.

Leaning in to Jazz, his horn glows softly as he presses one hoof against the table and puts his ear next to it as well.  His other hoof checks the formula one more time, and with a breath he starts the spell.

He flinches back as the table rattles loudly, drawing shushes for him as well.  Well, that didn't work out quite as he expected.  What had he done wrong?

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: December 13, 2014, 05:37:23 pm »
Clair stops his tapping when he notices Chord humming along with him.  He hadn't realized he'd been loud enough to be heard, and he's used to just being in the background anytime he's around anypony outside his family, preferring to leave them alone to finish their talking without him.  His ears quiver a bit, unsure of whether or not he likes this.  He leans a bit more heavily against Jazz, curling up slightly.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: October 31, 2014, 02:00:41 pm »
Clair nods, passing the ball idly between his hind hooves.  It had been a while.  He's never been one to get out much, as he's had an aversion to being out in public for most of his life, but concerts and other performances where the attention of everypony is focused on somewhere that isn't him are more bearable.  The Trans-Equestrian Orchestra was rather good in his opinion, too.  Enough that he could still remember one of the songs from that performance...his hoof taps against his seat in an approximation of the rhythm of it.  It wasn't a perfect recollection, of course, and out of context with the rest of the song doesn't really mean much, but it's something.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: October 09, 2014, 11:20:15 pm »
As the conversation trails away from what might be wrong with whom, the ball gets less squeezed and more just shifted in his hooves.  He's getting more and more of the opinion that Chord always stutters and stammers, though.  Maybe she should get some therapy or something.  Maybe if she used a stress ball, like him, or found some other way of relaxing.  Like a breathing exercise.  Or something.

He passes the stress ball down between his hind hooves so he can answer Jazz.  He puts his forehooves against her and taps out a short question.  WILL YOU BE GOING.  When she answers in the affirmative, he nods himself and presses his cheek against her.  THEN I WOULD LIKE TO GO TOO MOM.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: September 12, 2014, 01:30:07 pm »
Clair lets the conversation flow around him, being as unobtrusive as he can.  It's nothing new to him, of course.  Maybe he could get back to his book.  He couldn't wait to try out that in-object echolocation.  It sounded fascinating, if more of a curiosity than anything else.  After all, he had his hooves for anything close enough to touch, and why would he need anything more?  It's the range outside his reach that he's most interested in.  Although...

He's brought out of his thoughts by Mom's question towards Chord.  She's concerned.  Is something the matter?  He's not one to be able to help anypony very often, so it makes him uneasy when he feels it might be happening.  He finds his breathing coming a little more quickly, his hooves clenching and unclenching where they're folded on the table.  Well, he couldn't filter what he's getting, but he can try to cope with it.

His left hind hoof reaches out under the table and pulls his bag towards him by the strap.  His horn glows a dim white as he trails his telekinesis down his leg for reference of where he was reaching, into the bag and around one of his stress balls.  Out it comes and rolls up his leg, across his side and out along his left foreleg, ending up between his hooves.  His horn glow dissipates and he squeezes the ball, his breathing slowing as he works his feelings into it.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: August 28, 2014, 09:21:12 pm »
Clair keeps leaning against Jazz through the introduction, giving a nod at the introductions.  Another name that, of course, he would remember but probably never get to use.  Oh well.  Maybe now Mom could talk to Samiel, because he's just not sure what to be saying.  Regardless, maybe he could go back to reading his book.  It was getting interesting, and...

His ear twitches when another voice chimes in.  He knows that voice.  It's Chord.  Who knew?  He certainly hadn't expected to hear her here.  He nods again before leaning a bit harder into Jazz, still smiling.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: August 15, 2014, 02:13:27 am »
Clair cocks his head curiously, not really being helped by the explanation.  Or the clunk of what he's guessing is a visual aid being placed on the table.  Diagram of the shaped like the planet.  That's...which shape again?  Probably one of those three-dimensional ones that he had a hard time remembering the names of.  Well, he knows most of them, he thinks, but some of them have more than one name, right?  Like a circular circle is a sphere, or a ball.  Sure, he'd learned his geography before, but it's been a while, and he doesn't really use it all that much...

He's about to reach forward to feel the globe that's supposedly in front of him when his mom comes back to the table, engaging the stranger in conversation instead.  He's just fine with that.  His forehooves return to a neatly folded position in front of him on the table and he leans against Jazz, his smile brightening.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: July 31, 2014, 11:10:13 pm »
Aesthetics.  Uh...Clair isn't so sure he's the best judge of that.  His ear twitches, and he reaches up to scratch it.  His hoof stays up and messes absently with his mane for a moment.  Clarity would probably be able to help more than him with that.  That's not the main problem though.  He's heard that word before, he knows he has, but he can't immediately identify it.  His other hoof taps nervously for a few seconds on the table as he feels his face heat up slightly.

His head tilts a little when his hooves return to the table so he can return the conversation.  WHAT SHAPE IS A GLOBE STOP I FORGET STOP

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: July 22, 2014, 05:50:10 pm »
The book starts with an explanation of the heightened senses of one that's missing a single one.  That Clair is already aware of and understands.  What he isn't sure he can accept is that the other senses can actually be more revealing than sight itself.  Well, perhaps he'd find out about it later in the book.  After explaining those two concepts, the next thing in the book is a formula for an echolocation spell, similar to the one he already knew, though a bit more rudimentary.  At least to his understanding.  The flow of magic was only divided two ways rather than three, and it was set to a lower frequency.  He isn't so impressed with it until he reaches the next page.

Channeled through the hooves?  Does that...he reads back through the formula again.  He'd misread one part.  It can be divided up to five ways, not two...interesting.  He flips the page again and reads on.  Echolocation...within objects?  Not through the air?'s something he'd thought of before, but he wasn't about to start unguided experimentation with magic after what happened last time.  While his permanent reflective empathy was, in his opinion at least, a positive thing, who knows how badly it could have ended up?  But now that he has a guide to it...

Clair blinks, still facing forward.  Is somepony talking to him?  The voice is close, rather close, and seems to be directed at him.  "...sculpture and I need a second opinion on the base."  A sliding sound on the table next to his book makes it sound like something is being placed down.  Or moved.  Maybe it was already there?
Oh gosh.  Somepony is talking to him.  About sculptures?  What does he know about that?  Of course, the question here is about the base.  Maybe it's about the balance?  He knows about that.  Where's Mom?  She could talk for him.  He fires off a quick echolocation spell in an attempt to find her, but wherever she is isn't within a direct line from his horn.  She must still be looking through the shelves.  Uh...he wouldn't be comfortable just getting up and looking for her...what if he got lost?

His head dips slightly, still facing forward.  Maybe the stallion next to him knows Morse.  A SCULPTURE OF WHAT STOP WHERE IS THE WEIGHT CENTERED STOP

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: July 05, 2014, 06:44:08 pm »
Clair runs a hoof over each book as Jazz brings them over, just to get a feel of them.  He could, of course, read the braille ones without any help, and some of the hardback ones with the imprinted lettering if he tried hard enough.  That could wait for Mom, though.  While he's waiting, though, he hoofs over the braille ones.  Magic Eye.  That one has possibility.  He'll put that in the maybe pile.  Which happens to coincide with the non-braille pile, simply because they're all maybes.  Because if they depend on sight to be able to read, what are the chances they'll be able to teach spells to assist him specifically?  Granted he's a little bit advantaged in that regard, but...

Open Your Eyes.  Check.  Clair smiles a little bit more at his internal joke.  They're only about half-open right now, of course, but that still counts, right?  Another maybe.  A couple more books on the stack.  The Unseen World.  So, all of it.  What an apt title.  He almost puts that on the next pile as well, before he notices a subtitle that he missed.  Seeing Even What Others Do Not.

Interesting concept.  Surely it couldn't be implying that he could see things a normal pony couldn't. *is* in braille, so it must have some application for blind ponies...and it intrigues him.  He doesn't read the final title yet, leaving it where the stack was started to open up his chosen book.  He skips over the table of contents, something he never uses anyway, and goes straight to the foreword, face forward as he runs a hoof over pages that to most ponies might as well be empty.

Canterlot / Re: A Real Eye Opener
« on: June 26, 2014, 12:57:57 pm »
Clair smiles all the way through the library as Jazz guides him, leaning against her.  His steps are never precisely loud, but he's extra careful here not to disturb the quiet atmosphere that he enjoys so much, whether being read to by one of his family, reading with one of their sight, or independently reading one of the braille volumes carried here.  Always accompanied by somepony he loves, of course.

When they reach the table, he sits at it, folding his hooves in front of him and facing forward, head slightly downward.

Canterlot / Re: Sleeping In
« on: June 14, 2014, 12:16:58 am »
Clair smiles toward the door as Chord leaves.  When the door closes behind her, he walks back to Thyme and embraces her again.  She was nice and soft I liked meeting her he taps out on her.  After a moment of hugging his Mommy, he continues.  I am going to go paint with Star I hope you have a wonderful day I love you so much.  He gives her one more squeeze and a nuzzle, unintentionally leaving muffin crumbs on her before kissing her on the chin and leaning back to trace his customary heart on her front.

That done, he stands up once more and walks toward the door.  Not to leave, of course.  The house is his safe haven and he never exits without being in somepony's company, but it's a good reference point for resetting his pathing.  His path acquired once more, he trots slowly along the edges of the room and to the stairs to see his sister.

Canterlot / Re: Sleeping In
« on: May 30, 2014, 11:45:19 pm »
Clair's smile widens a smidge as Chord's hoof meets his, and he gives a little jiggle of her hoof to shake it.  He'd never really understood the custom of shaking hooves, but it's fun enough.  What he doesn't expect is for Chord to hug him, but it kind of disappoints him that she doesn't do it for longer.  With his slow reaction, she's breaking it off just as he's returning it, which just ends up looking kind of weird.  Still, a hug started has to be finished, or it would be wasted, and they're a precious resource in this house.  So he gives a short hug back to Chord after she disengages, a light blush accompanying his light grin as he sits back.

Canterlot / Re: Sleeping In
« on: May 27, 2014, 09:40:05 pm »
Clair follows placidly behind Thyme as she leads him, ignoring his usual paths to head straight toward the door where Chord is waiting.  After hearing the her location, whispered to him by his adoptive mother, he opens his eyes and smiles toward her.  His forehooves rise from the floor and up to Thyme's shoulders, and he taps out a couple of things for her to communicate for him.  {I hope you get where you are going safely and happily Chord it was nice meeting you}

While Thyme translates for him, he steps out from behind her and toward Chord.  How many steps was it?  Eh, neh, meh, teh.  Right, he should be right near her now.  He sits and reaches out a hoof tentatively towards their brief guest.

Canterlot / Re: Sleeping In
« on: May 23, 2014, 02:48:01 pm »
Clair's ears swivel at the sound of his name while his jaw keeps working slowly at the muffin's remains.  Just a little bit left, and then he'd decide what he wanted to do with the rest of his day.  But first it sounds like Chordonus is leaving.  Technically no, he wouldn't like to say goodbye since, as more often than not, it probably meant he'd never meet her again.  But still.  It's nicer to be able to do that than send her on her way without a figurative word.

So he nods and takes what little is left of his breakfast and pops it in his mouth, chewing slowly as he turns around on his stool and walks to Thyme, stepping behind her and laying his chin over her shoulder while he chews and they head for the door to see their guest off, his eyes closed in contentment.

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