Author Topic: The Origin of the Nightmare  (Read 214 times)

Offline Dream Warden

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Re: The Origin of the Nightmare
« on: April 06, 2015, 11:20:50 am »
The walk to the mirror was way longer that Ember remembered, but after a while, she arrived to the looking-glass, that she saw in what could have only been a dream. I felt really genuine though. Ember inspects the frame, silently reading what's written on it "Somnus... Aeternam... *mumble* Somnium... Aedilis..."

"Thou hast arrived..."

Ember spun around, once again grabbing her dagger in her magic, and pointing it out towards the darkness. She backed up to the wall, and against the mirror. There was only one way to her location, and she kept her eyes fixated to the corridor. The voice speaking sounded new, and definitely not Luna from her dream. "I-i'm warning you... I-i'm armed...!"


Ember had no time to react, before multiple appendages shoot out from the now rippling surface of the mirror, and began to pull her inside. Ember tried to struggle free, but couldn't fight the weird forces pulling her in. She lost her cape, and small leather satchel she had, her belongings falling down to the stone floor. Ember saw Luna arriving from the hallway, the ghostly form of the princess watching at her with sorrowful eyes. Ember tried to reach out to her, and cry for help, but her screams were muffled by the appendages, and she was pulled under the surface of the mirror.

The surface of the mirror rippled for a moment longer, before settling still, turning solid again. Luna walked over to the mirror, her form twitching, as her gentle features twisted into nightmarish terror. Her mouth widened, multiple sharp teeth sprouting out to fill the new space in her mouth. Her eyes sunk away, leaving only empty sockets behind, that held one, small light in each of them. Her nostrils grew longer, her entire head looking more like a skull now. The light blue feathers from her wings fell of, revealing broken, twisted mixture of normal wings, and leathery bat pony wings. Her body and hooves took a more skeletal and skinny form, and her flowing tail and mane darkened in color, and they lost their smooth shapes. The horn on the twisted being's head became jagged, and crooked. The thing laughed, before striking it's bony hoof against the mirror, shattering it into million pieces.

Ember gasped, waking up on the throne she had sat down on. She panted heavily, as she looked around the throne room, that seemed unchanged. She noticed that she was missing her cape and satchel. She jumped down from the throne, to look for her belongings. After looking behind the thrones, and walking down the stairs, Ember heard familiar voice speak to her.

"You had a nightmare, young Ember..."

Ember spun around, and saw Luna standing on the mouth of a new hallway, that Ember couldn't remember seeing there before. "L-Luna...? What's happening here...?" Ember trotted over to the princess, who seemed to be even less visible now.

"You are in deep sleep... No doubt because of me... Do you remember what i asked from you? What i asked you to do?"

Ember nods "I do... B-but... The mirror... What is that important? I saw-"

"I know what you saw, young Ember. But you don't need to burden your mind with it... Forget the mirror..."


"Please... Follow me... I have something to give you..." Luna began to walk down the hallway, Ember following shortly after her, and they soon came to a set of stairs, that began to descend underground. The stairs seemed to go on forever, and were very poorly lit, Luna's glow being the only thing that made advancing possible. Ember remained close to the princess and her eyes fixated forward, as the dim lights caused shadows to dance and twist around them. Ember couldn't hake off the feeling that something was following them. They reached the bottom after several minutes of descending stairs, that ended in a huge door, bearing a crest of the moon, but not the same crest accompanying the sun in the sisters banners. The crest glowed dimly, when Luna approached it, and opened at her command.

Behind the large door, was a simple, small room, and in the middle of that room was a pedestal, that held a small, blue orb on it. Luna led Ember inside. "Here it is... What remains of us..."

Ember gazes at the orb, feeling like she was gazing at the dream itself. She was snapped out of the orb's trance, when the huge door slammed shut, causing Ember to get visibly fearful instantly.

Luna noticed this and spoke up. "Don't be afraid... This is to keep the nightmare out... Now take it, and keep it safe... We trust in you..."

Ember eased up a little, but was still feeling quite panicky "B-but why me...? Why not somepony else... Somepony educated and... Better than me...?"

"Call it fate, young Ember... We feel like you are meant to carry this torch forward... With this you can-"


Ember couldn't hear what Luna said. A loud banging suddenly hitting the door, and growing more and more intense by the second. Ember backed off from the door, and against the opposite wall. It didn't take long for the door to begin to dent, and crack.

"Take the orb, young Ember... Only then you will wake up... You probably feel confused, and afraid, but don't be... It will all make sense to you... Take it... And meet me in the dream world..." Luna's fading form disappeared completely, her light retreating to the orb. Ember was breathing heavily, her eyes racing between the orb, and the door, that was about to give in. She didn't want to know what was coming through the massive piece of metal, and wanted to escape, to wake up. Ember picked the orb up. It shattered at her touch, and she absorbed the fragments, and felt a sudden surge of power go through her body. Ember looked up at the door, that was ripped in two, the twisted alicorn breaking it's way through. It's sickly smile, and empty eyes stared at Ember, before charging at the unicorn, opening it's huge mouth and going for the kill. Ember covered her head with her hooves, and waited for the pain to come.

Ember felt a moment of serenity, a moment of clarity. She felt like she was staring at the heart of dreams, seeing countless ponies dreaming, and what they were dreaming. She stared in awe, before seeing a quickly approaching wall of light, that blinded her eyes.



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